A Message from the Family of
Congressman Sylvester Turner

It is with inexpressible sadness that we the family of Congressman Sylvester Turner, Representative for the 18th Congressional District of Texas, acknowledge his unexpected passing.

After attending the State of The Union Address in Washington, D.C. last evening, Congressman Turner was taken to the hospital and he was later released.

On Wednesday, March 5 at approximately 5:45am he died at his home from enduring health complications. The Turner family is requesting fervent prayers from all who knew and loved him. We also request the public’s respect for our family’s privacy as we process this difficult reality.

Official communication will come from his staff at the appropriate time. Congressman Turner was the consummate public servant. But to us, he was our beloved father, grandfather, sibling, and relative. Thank you for your prayers.

The late Congressman Turner’s full obituary, including information regarding services, is available here.